Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Flinridge Prep graduation, June 5, 2011

Members of the Flintridge Preparatory Class of 2011 shared their experiences and future plans with me in five videos posted on La Cañada Patch.  I also spoke with an instructor who graduated from Prep in 2004 and Vassar in 2008.  The ceremony was held at Pasadena Civic Auditorium on a wet evening. This panorama is taken from the steps looking north to Paseo Colorado.

Covering two high school graduations (see St. Francis, below) brought me back to the four graduations I attended at John Muir HS as my four kids commenced their adult lives.

I apologize for the quality and size of the photo.  Blogger's resizing options don't seem to be working today!

1 comment:

  1. Several eduational institutions use the Civic for their grad ceremonies.
